ARTION Conferences & Events
Official Congress Organiser – ECE 2023
ΑΡ. ΓΕΜΗ: 042164206000
E. ece2023@artion.com.gr
Τ. +30 2310 257 813
W. https://ece2023.com
Project Leader: Despina Amarantidou
Project Management: Zoi Pazaiti
Sponsorship Coordinator: Efi Papathanasiou
Scientific Program Secretariat: Kleio Kalfoglou
E-Marketing & Social Media: Maria Kantziari
Ε-Marketing Assistant: Ektoras Kasambalis
IT: George Kanakaris
Beware of spam emails
For the purposes of the ECE 2023 Congress (Registration, Accommodation, Travel Arrangements, Airport Transfers, Social Events, Excursions, Sponsors service) the Congress Secretariat uses only one address: ece2023@artion.com.gr.